Following today's eclipsed Full Moon in Scorpio I thought it might be helpful to explain the physics behind the impact of the Full and New Moons on our bodies:
- Moon furthest away from Sun on opposite side of Earth
- Sun’s gravitational pull on Moon has an influence on Earth’s Ionosphere
- Ionosphere – layer of positively charged dust & particles 75 miles above Earth’s surface
- At Full Moon, gravity pushes Ionosphere towards surface of the Earth
- Positive ions from Ionosphere mix with negative ions in Earth’s atmosphere
- Air we breathe in is more positively charged
- Our blood and walls of arteries are normally negatively charged
- A double negative charge allows an easy flow across the membranes
- More positively charged blood means a stickier mix, with poorer oxygenation – we are at our most toxic
- At the New Moon, the Moon is closest to the Sun
- The gravitational pull of the Sun pulls the Moon away from Earth
- The Ionosphere expands and more negative ions are available
- Increase in negative ions ensures easy blood flow
- The body is able to detoxify freely
Where there is an Eclipse, either Solar or Lunar, this would make the impact of the Moon on the Ionosphere stronger, because the Sun and Moon are in such close alignment with each other. ‘Moontime’ by Johanna Paunnger and Thomas Poppe write of the Moon passing through a particular astrological sign every few days and that each sign rules a part of the body. While the Moon passing through a sign it is beneficial to support the organ it rules
Aries: Head, Brain, Face
Taurus: Neck, Throat, teeth, Thyroid, Tonsils, Ears
Gemini: Lungs, Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Nervous System
Cancer: Chest, Lungs, Liver, Gall bladder, Stomach
Leo: Heart, Spine, Diaphragm, Circulation of Arteries
Virgo: Digestive organs, Nerves, Spleen, Pancreas
Libra: Kidneys, Bladder, Hips
Scorpio: Sex Organs, Ureter
Saggitarius: Thighs, Veins
Capricorn: Knees, Bones, Teeth, Skin
Aquarius: Lower leg, Veins
Pisces: Feet, Toes, Lymphatic System
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